A person pushing a Brompton through NYC A person pushing a Brompton through NYC

Brompton Owner Stories


Jennifer, or Jenn for short, is one of Singapore’s top female cyclists who has represented the Singapore Cycling Federation in some of the most challenging stage races across Asia.

Taking a break from her usual intensive training, she goes on an urban exploration journey with a Brompton. Find out what what Brompton means to her — a companion which brings freedom, versatility, and fun to her rides.


Residing in Bussum, a small town 30km outside of Amsterdam. Kim Peters talks to how Brompton allows her to combine the drive to school with her daughter and a cycle commute to the Rapha store in the nine streets neighbourhood of Amsterdam.

Los Angeles

Based in LA, bassist Nathan East brought his Brompton to NYC to play 2 nights at Madison Square Garden with Eric Clapton.


Need a haircut? TheVeloBarber will come to you – by bike! Traveling around NYC and to cities around the world, watch how Julien Howard has connected to his customers in a new way by using his Brompton to get around.


Brent builds his own aircraft and camps in the mountains of Idaho. He and his wife Amy had been looking for ways to combine their love of biking with their love of flying and it seemed impossible - until he discovered Brompton.


Mariana owns and runs her own business in Putrajaya. Her biggest challenge was dealing with traffic jams on her way to meet clients, which completely changed when she was introduced to Brompton. Riding bikes is a lifelong passion of Mariana's, and is also a great way for her to spend time with her children.

South Africa

When Francia left Manhattan to go on an extended holiday, he had no idea a global pandemic would lead him to a totally new life on the South African coast. With his high-pressure legal job behind him and enforced travel restrictions in place, there was no choice but to slow down and take time. Along with his trusted Brompton, he explored the world around him.


Tom Lutz works at Google’s Chelsea Market offices and enjoys an unusual commute, 20 miles daily, year-round from his home in Leonia, NJ. You see, Tom commutes by Brompton – and boat!


Eddy Carroll and Alasdair MacKinnon of The Boroughs, an internationally recognised design store in East Brunswick, Melbourne, ride their Bromptons to deliver their orders and have found places they didn’t even know existed along the way.


Luke Hopwood was one of the very first customers of Brompton Electric. An avid mountain cyclist, Luke switched from taking the Tube to get to work to cycling about 40 miles every single day.


Jose Alberto lives in a small town 20km from Madrid. A passionate cyclist, working in a bike shop and commutes using his hybrid car and Brompton to get across Madrid.


“It’s not a bike you lock in the city, it’s a bike you keep with you.” Master barista Leonardo works in a specialty café in Paris.


Camille, originally from Paris, lives in London but is often catching the Eurostar with her Brompton to catch up with friends or head to a meeting.

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